Friday, June 9, 2017

A New Direction

 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I write this, I pray that you are well and that the grace and peace of Jesus may rule in your hearts.
First of all I want to thank all who have prayed for me over the last several years as I have served in Nicaragua as a missionary. I am very humbled and blessed when I think of all those who lift me up before the throne of God on a regular basis. Without these prayers and petitions to our Savior on my behalf, my life would not be as it is today. So from the bottom of my heart; THANK YOU!!!!
 I also want to thank those who have supported me financially and made it possible for me to stay and serve in Nicaragua. Your support has helped more people than can be known, and I firmly believe God will bless each individual who has given for His kingdom to be advanced. Thank you!!!
I also need to ask you all to forgive me for not staying in better contact the last three and a half years. I could make a lot of excuses but they would all end up being just that, excuses. 😖 I will try to step it up and keep you more in tune with what God is doing in my life and in the lives of those I am ministering to.
Since coming to live in the Miskito territory about 4 years ago, life has been very difficult and intense, yet these years have been so beautiful and cram-packed full of God’s provision, protection, peace, and joy. Although these may have been some of the hardest years of my life, they also have been the best- constantly keeping me on my knees before my God and King who is the only one worth living for.
The most awesome thing to me is that these years have taught me just how worthless and fruitless everything is without God. What would I be today if it hadn’t been for His saving grace, grace that not only saved me, but constantly spurs me to step deeper into His sanctifying and holy presence?
A year and a half ago I returned to the States to visit my brother and take some time to rest and re-energize after some difficult months. At that time I really felt a heaviness on my heart and an uncertainty on what God had for the next step in my life. I still helped with the medical part of the mission some, but had gradually stepped back from full nursing responsibility, with the coming of a Nicaraguan nurse. I had a strange feeling that much was coming to an end, and I didn’t know what was next for me.
While I was in the States, several godly people whom I respect greatly, encouraged me to check into nursing school. At first I was very reluctant, but at the urgings of several different people, I checked into a few community colleges about the possibility. (This is a dream that I have had since I was young, yet never pursued due to finances.)
After returning to Nicaragua, I began really seeking God, refusing to take a step forward until He gave me a clear word to go.  After months of praying and waiting, God revealed to me that going to nursing school would be a good thing and I wouldn’t do wrong in going, but He had something else for me at this time in my life. Glory to God, what a joy it is, waiting and listening for His voice!
As I continued serving alongside my family in the ministry, I began really seeking to deepen my relationship with God. As I sought His will, I gave the next step into His hands and focused on where I was called to serve until then.
One afternoon last October, as I was reading God’s Word and praying, He spoke very clearly to me, “Return to the States, and teach young ladies what it means to love Me and follow Me wholeheartedly.”
After arguing about it in my mind for a few minutes, I realized this was the voice of God, giving me clear direction on His next step for me. In that moment excitement and joy filled my heart. This was it, this was where God was leading me! This is what I had been praying for, yet again fear gripped my heart. Return to the States to live? A culture that I have not been a part of for over 5 years? How do I even begin? What will it look like?
After working it through my mind and heart for a few days, I shared with my family what God was leading me to do. After I shared, they all gave me their hearty blessing, and I want to tell you, that is a beautiful blessing to receive.
In the days that followed, I began prayerfully drawing up the one-on-one discipleship plan. During the three or four month discipleship program, a young lady will live with me at a small apartment south of Licking Missouri. The first two months will be an intense time of Bible study, prayer, reflection, and digging deep into the truths of God and His design for the nations, as well as partnering with local ministries, focusing on serving wherever needed.
The final month will be spent in a foreign country, alongside missionaries, joining in their daily lives, experiencing the struggles and joys of serving Christ, and holding up their hands. The goal is for young ladies to find complete security and satisfaction in knowing God’s incredible love for them, and that their identity is hidden in His caring hands.
I don’t know how it will all look, but I know this: God called me and I am His servant. He only asks me to be willing to say yes to whatever will bring Him the greatest glory.
Lord willing I will be returning to the States at the end of August to start up Footprints of Christ discipleship program.
If you want to be involved in Footprints of Christ through prayer, encouragement, or monthly financial support, please email me and I’ll provide you the needed information.
May God bless you tremendously.

Your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus, Mary

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